December Birthdays at Apex:

Ryan Kramer
Matt Blankenstein
Hen Lukens
Lora Sigler

Go ahead and wish these fellow Crossfitters a Happy Birthday when you see them this month!  

Apex Athlete Throwback

Guess Who?
C’mon Apexers, dig out out those photos! This year at the Christmas party we will have a photo board of pics of all of us through the years. Submit a photo (please put your name on the back) in the next few weeks. There will be a wrapped drop box labeled for the photo board. We will create the board and you will guess who is in each photo at the party. It doesn’t matter when it was from but please, no newborn pics. We need to at least have a shot at it! We’d love to see four-year old Coach Bus in his plaid pants or Susan Z in her 1980’s fitness instructor gear! So blow the dust off the albums and pick a good one. You will get your photo back after the party.
*Do not forget to sign up for the Christmas Party! Sign up sheet is located on the check-in desk.

Reminder this is the last week to turn in story nominations for the first CrossFit Apex Christmas Wish. Apex will be giving away one full year FREE to TWO FAMILIES in need of fitness. Anyone with a current membership gets 1 nomination.Pick up your nomination form on the check in table at Apex. Nominations are due this Friday following the 5:30pm class.


When: Dec.14th  6:30pm-late (must RSVP, instructions below)
What: Christmas party and Polyanna
Where: The box
Dress Code: Dressier than workout gear, but not as formal as prom attire (we will have heat on :)
Who's invited: All Apex group class members and significant others are welcome.

Side note: This is a kid-free event at Apex! All attendees must have graduated from high school.

We will host a dinner with the main entree will be from Melodia Grill. Please bring a side, dessert and/or a beverage to share.

The gift exchange will be apex style, sure to keep everyone on their toes (I mean in your heels) there will be an order that each person goes and picks a gift out of the pile, one at a time people will go get a gift, open the gift so everyone gets to see it, when it's the next person's turn they can either get a gift from the pile or "steal" one of the other gifts that were already opened, once a present is "stolen" from the owner, that person can now go steal another gift or go pick a new one out of the pile...but here's the twist each present will have a card on it with an exercise "10 burpees" "1 muscle up" etc...the only way you will be allowed to steal that gift is if you perform the exercise before the steal can take place :) will have to choose is the gift worth the exercise or not :) This fun may also dictate your attire, or your attire may dictate what gifts you may have to pass up. Each turn will be ON THE CLOCK! All gifts should be $15-20 per participant.

Must RSVP by Nov. 28th
** RSVP includes sign into MindBody (click login, search CrossFit Apex, search your name, click- this is me) and create a profile with contact information. This will come in handy for current addresses just in case you need a shuttle home. (This will also help update our system for better communication throughout the year.) There will be a sign up sheet at Apex on the check in table for everyone attending the Christmas Party. Please fill out all info on the sheet. This is mandatory for all attendees and will help us know how much food to order. Anyone willing to be a designated driver please comment. There may be a breathalyser in the house just so everyone is on the safe side :) We want everyone to have a safe ride home so please make arrangements Now!

We are looking forward to a fun evening with everyone!

2013 Harvest Rumble Results


See the break down of times for each Wod Click here

November Birthdays at Apex:

MaryLou Hartzler
Bernadette Coonahan
Chris Hoffner
Brett Riccio
Kyle Landis
Dave G. (BDD)
Cody Mazurek
Brandon Glass
Brian "Mitch Froning" Offner

Go ahead and wish these fellow Crossfitters a Happy Birthday when you see them this month!  

Who's Ready to Rumble? 

Rumble Updates:
Registration: 8:15-8:30 am
Format: Every athlete will compete in 5 WODS. 

Judging: Will be done by fellow Apexers. This is a friendly and fun competition with a little bit of bragging rights attached.  

Scoring: All MALES will be ranked out of all men, however you will be competing for top spots among your division. Same goes for Females.

WOD 1 - Pilgrims Escape:
For time - Run 600m carrying pumpkin, Row 500m*Its your choice as to what order you complete the Row and Run or Run and Row – 6 min time cap
*9 people per heat 
WOD 2- Turkey Legs:
Front Rack Lunge with both legs for max weight (barbell must come from floor) 7 minute time cap 
*15 people per heat

WOD 3- The Great Pumpkin:
For time reps of 
Deadlift (rx135/95 Scaled Men Women and 35+ 95/65)

Jumping Pullup (RX- pull ups, Scale and 35+ measurement will be wrist/mid forearm at the height of their pull-up bar)

Following the 30-20-10 athletes will crab walk 50' from pull up rig to the wallball wall. Pick up pumpkin and front squat the pumpkin for 50 reps. Following the 50th squat you must OH lunge your pumpkin back to the wall ball wall.
12 min time cape
*8-10 people heats


WOD 4- Plymouth Rock
Each Division gets 2-3 stones (Rx Men 65-95-115 Rx Women 45-65-95, Scale Men and 35+ men 45-65-95, Scaled Women and 35+ women 45-65)
Athletes have 3
minutes to move the most amount of weight from ground to shoulder.
Requirements must complete 3 lifts with each stone before continuing
towards your goal of most weight moved.
Scaled Females and 35+ females must move their 45 and 65lb stones 5x each before continuing towards more weight.
* 6 people per heat

On Site Vendors:
The Crafty Crossfitter
Simply Greater Baked Goods
Gentle Detox - Niki Weiss,  Massage Therapist
Easy Clean Cuisine will be providing samples for your tasting pleasure

SORRY FOR SOME FORMATTING ISSUES.  Judges are not set in stone.

This Weekend

Jump Seminar Cancelled for Sat. Oct. 26th
This Saturday's Jump Seminar that was set for 10am has been cancelled. We know there were some schedule conflicts so we can try again in the future if there is enough interest. Stay tuned for the next seminar coming soon...

Girls Night Out Sat. Oct. 26th 7pm
 Beads for Life Party
Girls Night Out!! Come to our BeadParty - Help Change Lives!!  You can make a difference by purchasing BeadforLife's beautiful handcrafted bead jewelry.  Everything is affordably priced between $4 and $25. Do some Christmas Shopping!!  Saturday October 26th from 7pm - ??  Bring a friend and a bottle of wine to share. This is open to everyone, not just Apex members.

For more about this amazing organization please visit:

Girls Night Out!! - Apex is hosting A BeadforLife Party
Saturday, October 26, 2013
7:00 pm - ??
Great holiday Shopping
More info. at the Box

Two of your Trainers taking a Step in Faith

This Sunday, October 27th at the 9am Service, Josh and Tanya will be baptized at LCBC-Branchcreek in Harleysville (on Rt. 63). We want to invite you to share in this exciting day with us. We know many of you have wanted to visit the church and we figured this might be a great opportunity to do so.  If you've never been apart of an adult baptism, here is an opportunity to see what it's all about. LCBC is a very welcoming place and you will definitely run into many familiar Apexers who attend LCBC as well. If you are able to make it please plan to arrive 15 minutes early so you can have a front row view of the indoor pool. No guarantees you won't get wet! (seriously it's pool, no joke, you won't believe your eyes!)

Where is LCBC?
Here is a little information about LCBC. Yes they have a kids care area for all ages.
What is baptism at LCBC?